里维特的评论:Just look at the shot in Kapo where Riva commits suicide by throwing herself on electric barbed wire: the man who decides at this moment to track forward and reframe the dead body in a low-angle shot—carefully positioning the raised hand in the corner of the final frame—deserves only the most profound contempt.
water boys和waving girls是同样优秀的龙凤胎青春片,狠毒的牛贩子头头都是阴差阳错而不得不做某件集体活动,参与者由排斥到喜欢到热爱,无关升学,无关爱情!我坚信日本校园丰富多彩的兴趣小组是促成日本青春片特别好看的重要原因!(5年前就标了想看)